Certified Carpet Cleaning Pros
Certified Carpet Cleaning Residential and Commercial Carpet Cleaning Professionals HOW OFTEN THE EPA SUGGEST A
Certified Carpet Cleaning Residential and Commercial Carpet Cleaning Professionals HOW OFTEN THE EPA SUGGEST A
Commercial Cleaning Services
We Specialize in Dental and Medical Office Cleaning Make An Appointment Medical Facilities, Hospitals
Residential Residential Maid and Housekeeping Services from The Cleaning Group Having a clean home environment is important
Our professional Janitors and Custodians provide cleaning programs that reduce illness-carrying germs and allergens that can affect the health
Popcorn, soda, candy and other trash can overshadow the floor surfaces of these facilities and make them look less
Churches are not only a place of worship but are often visited by the community to host a variety
• Floor cleaning and maintenance, Stripping, waxing • Sweeping and mopping • Remove garbage • Clean glass and mirrors
Due to the large amount of customers and guests, restaurants are one of the most difficult facilities to maintain
Schools present a special challenge in their day to day cleaning, so we have created a unique system to